A Smarter, Greener Future
for Your Projects

Empowering Projects
Through Sustainability

Sustainability Ratings Made Simple

At LX Design Studio, we believe sustainability should be at the heart of every project. That’s why we’re developing a comprehensive Sustainability Rating System to evaluate projects based on key factors such as energy efficiency, water usage, and material sustainability.* Our goal is to provide clear, cost saving insights that guide you toward more sustainable decisions.

Why Does It Matter? By improving your project's sustainability, you:

Your project will contribute to environmental preservation and a more sustainable future for all.

Lower long-term energy costs

Sustainable decisions reduces energy consumption, which is  cuts operational costs significantly over time.


Sustainable projects improve indoor air quality, natural light, and the over comfort for occupants.

Boost Property Value

Sustainable projects are more attractive to buyers & investors, increasing market value.

Make a Positive Impact

Your project will contribute to environmental preservation and a more sustainable future for all.

Comprehensive Sustainability Evaluation: Multiple Key Metrics Taken into Account

Here is a sneak peak of what the interactive sustainability dashboard will look like:


Let’s Make Your Project Truly Sustainable

At LX Design Studio, sustainability is at the core of what we do. We are currently developing a comprehensive Sustainability Rating System to help evaluate your project’s cost-saving and sustainability insights.

Fill out the form, and let’s discuss how we can guide your project toward smarter, greener choices that align with your vision and the environment.

*Disclaimer: Services beyond LX Design Studio’s licensed scope are provided by authorized partners. 
All regulated services are performed by partner qualified professionals in compliance with Austrian regulations.